-Celebrate the Chinese New Year with Different Trains Gallery 2 at Cornerstone Bank of Decatur on Thursday, Jan. 23 from 5-8 p.m. for an exhibition opening with works by Xie Caomin & Chase Chen. For more info, visit differenttrainsgallery.com.
-Come out for the opening reception of Audrey Galex and her Abandoned Mattress photo-journalism Project this Thursday, Jan. 23 from 6-9 p.m. This curated selection of images will be on view and on sale to benefit the Initiative for Affordable Housing at Aimee Jewelry & Fine Art Gallery thru January 31. To learn more about the organization, visit affordablehousingatl.org.
-Decatur’s Citizen Roundtables, the heart of our once-a-decade Strategic Planning process, will launch Thursday, Jan. 23, 7-9 p.m., at the Decatur Courtyard by Marriott’s Decatur Conference Center. Visit decatur2030.com to learn more!
-Join Tapestri and the Center for Leadership and Service at Agnes Scott College for an informative day-long training on Human Trafficking in Georgia. Presentations will take place this Friday, Jan. 24 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. in Letitia Pate Evans Hall, E-Conference Room ABC.
-Different Trains Gallery will host heir first Pop-Up show at 378 in Candler Park on Friday, Jan. 24 from 6-10 p.m. featuring art by Kim Cresswell and the Real Frank Tee. There will also be live music by Kevin Kinney and Friends as well as Clay Harper. Visit differenttrainsgallery.com for more info.
-Check out live performances at Eddie’s Attic featuring Clare Dunn, Eliot Bronson with Kristen Englenz and Brother Bird with Stephanie Lambring. For show times and tickets, visit eddiesattic.com.
Cover Photo: Art by Xie Caomin
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