Due to the weather, residential recycling pick up was suspended before today’s routes could be completed. If your recycling is normally picked up on Tuesday but was not picked up today, it will be picked up later this week. Please continue to check back here for updates on trash and recycling pick up.
Posts Tagged ‘Public Works’
Residential recycling pick up delayed
Posted in Sustainability, tagged Public Works, recycling, snow, trash, weather on January 28, 2014 | Leave a Comment »
Limited Permitting Next Week
Posted in Community, tagged building, building permit, building permits, City Hall, construction, DEC, Design Environment and Construction Division, electrical, fencing, HVAC, John Maximuk, permits, Permitting, plumbing, Public Works, roofing, Talley Street on January 9, 2014 | 2 Comments »
Changes for Permitting in the City of Decatur
Starting January 21, 2014, permitting services will take place in a new location at the renovated Public Works Facility, 2635 Talley Street.
The move takes place at the same time as the formation of a new one-stop shop for permitting that will make it easier for residents and applicants to access these services. This one-stop shop is part of a larger reorganization and the creation of the new Design, Environment & Construction Division of Public Works. The new Division will be home to permitting, inspections, engineering, streets, the storm water utility, and codes enforcement.
Limited Permitting Next Week: What you need to know
Between Jan. 13 – Jan. 17 the City of Decatur will provide limited permitting services during the move from City Hall to the Talley Street Public Works Facility. During this time, roofing, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and fencing permits will be issued. Staff will be available largely by appointment only. Inspection requests will continue as usual. For more information, call 404.370.4014 or email John.Maximuk@decaturga.com.
Green Tips for Decatur Event Planners Now Available
Posted in Community, Events, Uncategorized, tagged Decatur, Events, Green events, Public Works, recycling, Special Events on February 9, 2009 | Leave a Comment »

Look for this graphic on the City website
The former Waste Managment Advisory Board, working with the Public Works Director and the Special Events Coordinator, has produced a guide for “greening” events, block parties and other gatherings in the city of Decatur. The brochure is available for downloading at www.decaturga.com or at Decatur City Hall.
The Guide offers many tips for planning a special event beginning with selecting the location, planning purchases to minimize waste on the front end, planning for recycling and food waste and more. The guide also encourages planners to educate the attendees on protecting the environment.
The Decatur Business Association has already jumped on the “green” wagon. Food vendors at the June Beach Party will be required to use biodegradable paper goods as well as recycle plastic, glass and cardboard. The Public Works Department will also be on hand to distribute information on the City’s recycling plan and give out tattoos with the recycling logo. As you may know, all city sponsored events currently include both trash cans and recycling containers for plastic, metal and glass. We hope to encourage all event planners, both large and small, to recycle and produce greener events.
The New InstALERT Rapid Messenger is Here
Posted in Transportation, tagged Public Works on October 17, 2008 | Leave a Comment »
I know a lot of you have been looking forward to this moment ever since you saw “Variable message board” itemized on the city’s 2008-2009 Budget. Well, the wait is over because the City of Decatur’s very own electronic alert sign arrived yesterday!
O.k., that first sentence might not apply to anyone, but there’s no doubt that this new piece of equipment will be very useful.
The InstALERT comes with a number of pre-programmed messages and has the ability to upload customized alerts.
Public Works director, David Junger, brought it over to the City Hall parking lot to show us how it works.
All the messaging is controlled by a PDA:
For those of you who are really dedicated and want to learn more about the InstALERT Rapid Messenger visit the All Traffic Solutions website.