Earlier this month, the Decatur City Commission approved an artistic painting of ‘Black Lives Matter’ on North McDonough Street. Three Black artists have committed to developing designs, one artist per word, and to oversee the painting by community members. The artists are: George F. Baker III, Petie Parker, and Sharanda Wilburn.
The painting is scheduled to occur Saturday, August 22 on North McDonough between Trinity Place and Howard Avenue. We’re inviting the community to sign up for volunteer shifts to paint each letter here.
The number of volunteers per shift will be limited and there will be strict safety protocols in place including requirements for physical distancing of non-household members, mask use and disinfecting of supplies.
Why cant it say, all lives matter, babies lives matter or kids lives matter? I know you are going to say, no lives matter until black lives matter. I thought black lives matter already. It would make you mad if I painted that All lives matter in our city. Shame that we cant be Americans without labels.
Well said Teresa. And at a cost to taxpayers of $17,000?? Has everyone lost their minds?
Regardless of what is painted on the street, are you telling me that is the best use of taxpayer dollars? I can name a hundred other things that would help the residents of Decatur more and need our limited resources that would be a better allocation of this money.
“Black Lives Mater” the phrase is obviously so true, and one that anyone with a brain agrees with. However, BLM (the organization) is a something totally different with some very radical ideas like dismantling police, disrupting the nuclear family, etc. Two of the 3 co-founders described themselves as “trained Marxists”. Look it up and check it out. So many supporters of BLM (the organization) have no idea what the leaders of BLM actually want. Again, we all support the phrase “Black Lives Matter” but to spend $17,000 to paint the words on a street is a mismanagement of public funds at best, and at worst, pure incompetence.
Well said Teresa. Regardless of what is painted on the street, are you telling me that is the best use of taxpayer dollars? I can name a hundred other ways to allocate those funds that would help the residents of Decatur more and be a better use of this money.
“Black Lives Mater” the phrase is obviously so true, and one that anyone with a brain agrees with. However, BLM (the organization) is a something totally different with some very radical ideas like dismantling police, disrupting the nuclear family, etc. Two of the 3 co-founders described themselves as “trained Marxists”. Look it up and check it out. So many supporters of BLM (the organization) have no idea what the leaders of BLM actually want. Again, we all support the phrase “Black Lives Matter” but to spend $16,000 to paint words on a street (regardless of what the words are) is a mismanagement of public funds at best, and at worst, pure incompetence.