The third of four Decatur 202 Zoom discussions– this time on equity and racial justice — is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 14 from 6-8 p.m. The sessions are part of the city’s current strategic planning efforts and drill down on the input provided during the Citizen Roundtables and the Virtual Forums.
Interested participants can get involved by registering on Zoom.
The presentation and discussion format for the two-hour 202 session is the same for all four topic meetings. If you missed the small group discussions and introductory presentations during the previous 202 sessions, check out the recap videos on the Decatur 2030 website.
The second of four Decatur 202 Zoom discussions– this time on housing affordability — is scheduled for 4 p.m., December 10. The sessions are part of the city’s current strategic planning efforts and drill down on the input provided during the Citizen Roundtables and the Virtual Forums.
Interested participants can get involved by registering on Zoom.
The presentation and discussion format for the two-hour 202 session is the same for all four topic meetings. If you missed the small group discussions and introductory presentations during the first 202 session, see the video under Transportation & Mobility on the Decatur 2030 website. The first 202 encouraged – and got – a vigorous conversation on how to reconcile two Decatur ambitions that aren’t always compatible: Our dependence on automobiles and the road and parking infrastructure they require and our determination to expand pedestrian, biking, and transit alternatives.
For the upcoming housing session, we’ll confront the increasing demand for housing within the reach of lower and middle income families and the fear of disrupting the character and stability of existing neighborhoods.
The Roundtables process included 800 registrants who contributed thousands of comments. Many of these comments about Decatur’s future were in agreement, but some topics revealed conflicting perspectives about how Decatur should chart its course for the next ten years.
The 202s will allow for a deep dive on these topics. After hearing from subject matter experts, we will join together in virtual discussion groups to help understand tradeoffs and find common ground among differing perspectives. Input from these groups will be used to form recommendations on how the Strategic Plan should address these issues. The 202s will seek to answer the question: “What does success look like in a community of 25K people within a metropolitan region of nearly 6 million people?”
Here’s the line-up:
Thursday, Nov. 19, 4 – 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 10, 4 – 5:30 p.m.
Equity & Racial Justice:
Thursday, Jan. 14, 4 – 5:30 p.m.
Climate Change:
February 2021, Date TBD
Speakers will be announced closer to the event. Visit for all details. All events will occur on Zoom and will be recorded and available after the meeting. To participate, you may register at
Can’t make it at the scheduled time but still want to be part of the conversation? Watch the recordings, download the discussion guides, and form a small group to discuss the questions. Discussion notes may be submitted at or