The City of Decatur is undergoing a communications audit and your input is needed. Please provide your feedback to consultants here by Oct. 23. Contact Renae Madison, renae.madison@decaturga.com, with any questions.
Posted in Community, tagged City of Decatur, City of Decatur community, city of decatur ga, Community Survey, Decatur Communications Audit, Decatur Community Survey, Decatur GA, enagaing decatur, Engaging Decatur GA on October 6, 2020 | 2 Comments »
The City of Decatur is undergoing a communications audit and your input is needed. Please provide your feedback to consultants here by Oct. 23. Contact Renae Madison, renae.madison@decaturga.com, with any questions.
Posted in Community, tagged #cityofdecatur, #cityofdecaturga, City of Decatur, city of decatur ga, Decatur GA, Engaging Decatur GA, storm drainage improvements, Storm Water Master Plan, Storm Water Master Plan Decatur GA, stormwater, stormwater management on September 30, 2020 | Leave a Comment »
Have you reviewed and commented on Decatur’s draft Storm Water Master Plan? Well, now is the time! We’re down to the final week of our month-long public comment period so make sure we hear from you by Friday, October 2. Visit the link below to provide your input:
Posted in Community, Meetings, tagged City of Decatur, city of decatur ga, Engaging Decatur GA, storm drainage, storm drainage improvements, storm water, Storm Water Master Plan, Storm Water Master Plan Decatur GA, stormwater, stormwater management on September 15, 2020 | Leave a Comment »
Nearly two years in the making, Decatur’s emerging Storm Water Master Plan is now ready for prime time. For the next month, we’ll be collecting final input on the present draft as we move our way towards formal adoption later this year.
Hundreds of residents and others helped shape this draft and together we’ve identified 101 areas of concern with appropriate ways to address them. We now have 73 proposed storm water projects to decrease flooding, protect water quality, provide flexibility in implementation, and increase the capacity and stability of stormwater management in the city.
Need to drill down on specifics? Mark your calendar and join us online September 16 at 6 p.m. for an overview presentation and opportunity to ask questions of city staff and their consultant team. For more information and to register, visit www.decaturnext.com.