Decatur’s 2020 Strategic Planning process has reached a new milestone with a draft release of the Vision and Mission Statements that will frame its soon-to-be-released recommendations for the next ten years. Public review and comment is encouraged through Sunday, April 4.
Those discussions – both in person and online after the pandemic restrictions were in force – were designed to move from broad-ranging ideas to more focused topics. Key among the emerging themes were concern for addressing community affordability; racial equity and diversity; a full range of transportation options; and the challenges of climate change.
As the conversations progressed, the advantages of thinking comprehensively emerged. Since so many problems – housing affordability and equity, for instance – are interconnected, why not prioritize solutions that are interconnected, as well?
Over the next few months, City staff and the consulting team hired to help will draft strategies in keeping with the Vision and Mission Statements. With additional community check-ins along the way, a final draft Plan will be presented for public review this summer.
Review and comment on the proposed Vision and Mission Statements using the online survey at the project’s Virtual Activities page.
For more background on the process, review the stages that led to this point on the project website.