- Decatur’s Core Dance is using its Sycamore Street storefront as a screening room for REEL ART: Speak, a series of film and video works highlighting and magnifying the voices of Black and indigenous artists of color. The outdoor screenings can be viewed responsibly, recognizing social-distance guidelines. Speak is on view outside of the Core Dance studio, 133 Sycamore St., throughout the weekends until Nov. 15, starting at 7 p.m. each Friday night. For a list of works currently on view, visit coredance.org/reel-art.
- The Community Center of South Decatur and the Solarium are partnering with LifeSouth for another community blood drive. The event will be held on Saturday, Nov. 7, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. All donors will receive a complimentary COVID-19 antibody test, cholesterol screening and promotional gift with their donation. Visit donors.lifesouth.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/676757 to schedule your donation and help save the lives of people right here in our community.
- On Saturday, November 7 L’Arche Atlanta will be giving out more than 70 CONNEXIONS tote bags full of items for their virtual CONNEXIONS weekend events! The community is invited to join the virtual Gratitude meet-up on Sunday, November 8 at 2 p.m. Visit larcheatlanta.org/connexions for more information.
- The Dalton Gallery at Agnes Scott College presents the Searching for Home Art Exhibition open 10 a.m.-4 p.m through November in the Dana Fine Arts Building at 141 East College Ave. The exhibition, made possible by the Margaret Virginia Philip Art Endowment Fund, will be available virtually and in-person by appointment. Searching for Home is on view through December 12. Find more information and book your visit today at daltongallery.agnesscott.org.
- Clue Town designed an all new full-length puzzle hunt in Downtown Decatur as part of American Lung Association’s (ALA) annual LUNG FORCE Run/Walk. The ALA Puzzle Walk is available now through November 30th. The hunt takes 75-90 minutes to solve, and it is packed with fun facts about lung health! The ALA Puzzle Walk is available for download exclusively through ALA’s website, and the money raised will fund efforts to end lung disease. Breathe in the experience before it’s too late!
Photo: L’Arche Atlanta (Facebook)