The County wants to hear from you regarding its 2014 Transportation Plan. If you were unable to attend any of the DeKalb County Transportation Plan meetings in person, you can still learn about the plan and provide input by attending an online, interactive meeting TONIGHT beginning at 6:30 PM. Please visit to register.
Archive for the ‘Meetings’ Category
DeKalb County Transportation Plan Meeting
Posted in Community, Meetings, Transportation on April 23, 2013 | Leave a Comment »
Community Budget Gatherings Coming Soon
Posted in Budget, Community, Meetings on March 6, 2013 | Leave a Comment »
Do you ever think about how your City tax dollars are spent? And how are decisions made to fund City services? Or where does the money come from to pay for these services? If you’ve ever pondered these questions or any others about the City’s budget and finances, come be a part of the City’s Community Budget Gathering group for the 2013-2014 budget year. You’ll have the opportunity to meet City budget staff, learn about the budgeting process and give your opinion on budget priorities.
The March and May group meetings will be held at Decatur City Hall, 509 N. McDonough Street, at 7:00 p.m. The April group meeting will be held during the late afternoon at a location to be determined. Meetings are scheduled for the following dates:
- March 12th
- April 16th
- May 14th
Please notify Meredith Roark, Budget & Performance Measurement Manager, at or 404-370-4102, if you plan to attend.
You can follow the progress of the budget process and review prior years’ budgets on our website at or by clicking on ‘Residents’ and ‘Budget’.
Public Meeting Regarding Annexation
Posted in Community, Meetings on October 17, 2012 | Leave a Comment »
As many of you are aware, the Decatur City Commission is currently considering an annexation plan that includes areas to northwest, northeast and southeast of the existing city boundaries. In an effort to gain a better understanding of how current residents and potential residents feel about the plan, the City Commission is holding a public meeting regarding annexation from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Monday, October 22, 2012. The details are below and if you would like more information on the draft plan including a draft map and an estimated property tax calculator, please visit the City’s website at the following link:
Annexation Public Information Meeting
Monday, October 22, 2012
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Commission Meeting Room, Decatur City Hall, 509 N. McDonough Street
General Question & Answer Session 6:30 p.m.
General Public Comment 7:00 p.m.
If you’re unable to attend the meeting, fear not. The meeting will be streamed live on the City’s website starting at 6:00 p.m. and then will be available for viewing at anytime beginning Tuesday the 23rd on the streaming video page.
Zoning Ordinance Update Task Force Meeting
Posted in Community, Meetings on August 29, 2012 | Leave a Comment »
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
7:00-9:00 PM
Decatur City Hall
509 North McDonough Street
The Zoning Task Force has been hard at work researching and crafting new city ordinances to help implement the 2010 Strategic Plan. You are invited to learn about the proposed changes to encourage Accessory Dwellings (e.g. garage apartments or granny flats) and define appropriate transitions between residential and commercial properties in downtown Decatur. From 7:00-9:00 PM city staff, task force members and PlaceMakers, LLC will be available to present the proposed changes, facilitate discussion and collect your comments. We need your input! The City Commission will consider the proposed changes in late October, 2012.
The following 2010 Strategic Plan tasks will be up for review and comment:
- Task 3A: Adopt new transitional design standard to integrate commercial, mixed use and residential districts – In recent decades, Decatur has used buffers and height limits to transition between existing single-family neighborhoods and new developments in existing commercial and mixed-use zoning districts. These have focused on separating such areas, rather than unifying them. As an alternative, new design techniques should be explored to provide appropriate connection between new development and existing neighborhoods, such as improved architectural design, scale and massing and landscaping.
- Task 3E: Improve the predictability and efficiency of the process for new development approval by establishing development standards and requirements that are consistent with the goals of the strategic plan
- Task 15B: Adopt ordinance changes that allow smaller homes, support accessory dwellings and encourage other creative housing options that provide affordable housing in single family neighborhoods. Educate the public about their characteristics and benefits.
For more information contact Amanda Thompson, Planning Director at
Live from City Hall, it's Monday night!
Posted in Community, Meetings on August 6, 2012 | Leave a Comment »
The City of Decatur announces the launch of streaming video for the Decatur City Commission meetings beginning Monday, August 6, 2012. The option has been in the Pilot Testing Phase and goes live Monday night at 7:30 p.m.
“This feature is part of our ongoing commitment to offering a variety of ways to access our City Commission meetings and information,” said Mayor Bill Floyd. “We hope that those who have an interest will take advantage of this new service.”
To access the streaming video option, visit and click on City Government, City Commission, Streaming Video. Once the service moves out of the Pilot Testing Phase at the end of August, there will be a button from the front page of the website that will take viewers directly to the streaming video page.
The City Commission meetings continue to be broadcast live on Comcast Channel 25 in addition to this new service. We encourage your feedback and suggestions during this testing phase so that we can make any needed adjustments.
If you have questions or need more information, contact Linda Harris,, 404-371-8386 or Meredith Roark,, 404-370-4102.
Zoning Task Force Seeks Public Input
Posted in Community, Meetings, Uncategorized on March 12, 2012 | Leave a Comment »
The Zoning Task Force (appointed by the Decatur City Commission) has been busy studying the recommendations of the 2010 Strategic Plan that relate to sustainable development, alternative transportation, enhancing the commercial tax base, housing options, and becoming an aging in place or lifelong community.
Now they are seeking public input to review their work to date and provide your thoughts and ideas. Drop in to the open house on Wednesday, March 14 between 6 p.m. & 8 p.m. The open house will focus on the following: parking requirements and the creation of a parking district, accessory buildings & dwellings requirements, expansion of the special pedestrian area, expansion of urban gardening opportunities, and the creation of light manufacturing & artisanal uses.
This is the first of many public input sessions to be held throughout the year as the work continues. For more information contact Planning Director Amanda Thompson, And, if you want more information on the charge of the Zoning Ordinance Update Task Force, click here.
Community Workshop: Pedestrian Safety Improvements
Posted in Community, Meetings, Transportation on January 9, 2012 | 2 Comments »
At Clairemont, Church Street and Commerce Intersections and Church Street Bicycle Lanes
A community workshop to discuss alternative plans for pedestrian safety improvements at Clairemont, Church Street and Commerce intersections and Church Street bicycle lanes will be held on Thursday, January 12, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 p.m. in the City Commission meeting room of Decatur City Hall, 509 North McDonough Street, in downtown Decatur. As part of the City’s capital improvements program, the purpose of the work is to improve safety and accessibility for pedestrians, bicyclists and others using these facilities.
The City has retained the firm of Development Planning and Engineering to help plan the project, which will be partially funded through grants from the Georgia Department of Transportation. An initial workshop to outline project goals was held in September.
The project is based on Decatur’s 2008 Community Transportation Plan and is a project in the 2010 Strategic Plan. A major goal of the Community Transportation Plan is to encourage healthy lifestyles and active living in Decatur.
Decatur Salutes 2011 Hometown Heroes
Posted in Community, Events, Meetings, Uncategorized, tagged decatur city hall, hometown hero, Hometown Heroes on December 22, 2011 | Leave a Comment »
Decatur honored 14 Hometown Heroes in 2011 for contributions made to the Decatur community. Hometown Heroes are those volunteers who work, often behind the scenes, to make the City of Decatur a better place to live, work and play. They are nominated by people in the community and are judged by professionals who work with volunteers on a regular basis and do not know the nominees.
Decatur started its Hometown Hero program in 1996 at the close of the Hometown to the World Festival held during the Olympics. The 14-day festival was a success because of the hundreds of volunteers who helped – we couldn’t have done it without them.
At the close of that festival in 1996, the City Commission honored the volunteers and created the Hometown Hero awards. With this year’s presentations, Decatur has designated 245 Hometown Heroes.
If you want to see all of them, visit Decatur City Hall – we have their group photos and names framed on what we call our “Wall of Heroes” on the wall next to the 1st floor stairs going down to the City Commission Meeting Room.
Congratulations to this year’s Hometown Heroes: Alan Ashe, Marc Brennan, Roger Bryant, Jodi Dick, Daniel Flores, Walter Kellar, Lori Leland Kirk, Louis & Sandra Rice, Susan Riley, Mark Sanders, Melissa Stratton, Seegar Swanson and Kyle Williams. Click here to read more about them and their contributions to our community.
Commission Meeting Agenda Item Posted on Open City Hall
Posted in Community, Meetings, Uncategorized on May 13, 2011 | Leave a Comment »
On Monday, May 16, the City Commission will consider whether to adopt a resolution calling for a referendum on November 8, 2011 on whether to allow package sales by retailers of malt beverages, wine and distilled spirits on Sunday.
During the 2011 session, the Georgia General Assembly passed Senate Bill 10 (SB10) that provides local governments with the opportunity to allow the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in original packages following approval by a majority of voters in a local enabling referendum.
If approved by the referendum, this will apply to retail outlets such as Kroger and Sherlock’s as well as to convenience stores. What do you think? Should there be a referendum on the matter next November?
We have posed this question on Open City Hall for comments up until 3 p.m. on Monday, May 16. The City Commission will vote at their meeting Monday night. Any comments posted on Open City Hall will be given to the City Commission and included as part of the minutes.
If you would like to comment via Open City Hall, click here to register or to sign in if you have already registered.
Calling All Contractors! Home Energy Makeover Contest Sponsor Meeting this Thursday
Posted in Meetings, Sustainability on April 4, 2011 | Leave a Comment »
The City of Atlanta and City of Decatur are partnering on a Home Energy Makeover Contest, designed to raise awareness about home energy performance. We are excited about using this opportunity to promote local businesses, create demand, and increase awareness for the AtlantaSHINE and DecaturWISE city-wide home energy efficiency programs. Similar contests are happening in Charlottesville and Los Angeles.
If you are a contractor or vendor who is interested in participating, please click the link below to register. The Contest Sponsor Planning Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 7, 2011 – 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. at the Southface Energy Institute SWEET Center. Interested participants can also join online.
Homeowners stay tuned to the Decatur Minute and the City of Decatur website for information about how to sign up for the contest.
Learn more by clicking HERE.
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Lena Stevens DecaturWISE Program Manager |
Aaron Bastian AtlantaSHINE Program Manager abastian@AtlantaGa.Gov |