- Better Together Advisory Board Meeting| Tuesday, June 1 @6:30 p.m.
Visit decaturga.com/bc for additional meeting details.
- Kids and teens will have the opportunity to learn capoeira from Maculelê-Capoeira Academy Decatur! The academy will begin offering in-person classes at Core Studios in Downtown Decatur for kids and teens on Thursday, June 3. Classes take place on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays. They are also offering a Summer Promo for returning students: 4 Martial Arts Classes + T-shirts for only $25. Visit http://capoeiraatlanta.com/ for details.
- Dine and shop outside at FAB First Friday! We’re reimagining a night OUT in Decatur with expanded patios, curbside storefronts, sidewalk pop-ups, and an open-air tent market on the plaza. Wear a mask and join us outside on the first Friday of the month from 5 to 9 pm. Plus, look for “fab” deals as our retailers and restaurants partner up to support each other! Follow on Instagram (@visitdecaturga), Twitter (@Decatur-Tourism), and Facebook (@VisitDecaturGA) for deals and updates.
- The DDA is collaborating with City of Decatur businesses to host a Job Fair in the Square, June 7 @9 a.m.- 2 p.m. Applicants will have an opportunity to visit several businesses in one place and apply for jobs. There are 12 businesses participating, including one of our hotels.
The first hour of the event, 9-10 a.m., will be dedicated to accepting applications and interviewing students from the Decatur High School Career Academy.
- The draft recommendations for the Decatur Strategic Plan Equity and Racial Justice topic will open on Friday, June 4. The pop-up survey will close on June 13.
- The Climate Change pop-up survey will close on Sunday, June 6. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to contribute to the draft recommendations for the Decatur Strategic Plan! Visit https://decatur2030.mysocialpinpoint.com to share your input.