Census Day, April 1st, is just around the corner. By now you should have received your invitation to participate and we hope that you have already completed your form either online, by phone or by mail. And if you haven’t, you still have time. Visit 2020census.gov for more information.
In light of the COVIS-19 outbreak, the U.S. Bureau has adjusted its operations including delaying the sending of Census takers into communities to follow-up on non-responding households. Beware of any one approaching your home asking about the 2020 Census as that portion of the process won’t begin until the end of May. If you suspect fraud, contact the Decatur Police Department at 404-373-6551 and then call 1-844-330-2020 to speak with a Census Bureau representative.
For more information about the change in the 2020 Census operations schedule or how to avoid fraud and scams, visit 2020census.gov/en/news-evetns/operational-adjustments-covid19 or 2020census.gov/en/avoiding-fraud.