+.* Go local this holiday! Decatur Seasonal Spotlights light the way to shopping and dining deals and ideas in #decaturga. *.+
Deck more than just the halls at Vivid Boutique (308 W. Ponce de Leon Ave.)! This colorful home and gift boutique goes all out with holiday swag. Shop seasonal decor, ornaments, cookie trays, count-down calendars, tea towels, nativities, and more in range of jolly styles. Trim ALL the trees! Vivid’s ornament selection is staggering with elegant, quirky, or just-plain-pretty embellishments for every evergreen (or ever-pink, ever-silver, ever-blue…). The store overflows with the spirit of the season and timeless gifts alike. Shop stylish tech-touch gloves, French milled soaps, local jewelry, and even in-house designed and printed stationery. Trés chic!
Terrific Thursdays at Vivid Boutique: Stop in for refreshments and extra good cheer on Terrific Thursdays.
Vivid Boutique
308 W. Ponce de Leon Ave.