We’ve received questions about the availability of Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) bags and we are monitoring the situation daily and are considering all options. The City is continuing to supply the retail stores listed below with Pay As You Throw bags on a weekly basis. We’ve recently ordered additional bags from our supplier to insure adequate supplies. We do not anticipate any disruptions to service and are monitoring the situation daily.
The cost of the PAYT bags covers the fee the City must pay to dispose of waste at the County landfill.
Most of the locations are offering curbside pick-up. Contact the business directly for details. Also, please be sure to have all items on the curb before 7:30 a.m. If you have any questions or difficulty in purchasing PAYT bags call the City of Decatur Public Works Department at (404) 377-5571 or email sanitation@decaturga.com. Please visit decaturga.com/publicworks for updates.
Since everything was tossed into the big compacting truck, would it be best to hold glass until pick up staff is larger?