On April 4, 2016, Mayor Garrett proclaimed April as Alcohol Awareness Month in Decatur, Georgia as part of a local and national campaign. This proclamation is a call to action to focus on underage drinking and highlight the positive impact that can be made by community members working together toward reducing the incidence of underage drinking.

Mayor Garrett & members of the DPI work group at the proclamation signing during the April 4th Commission meeting.
This proclamation was put forth to the mayor by The Decatur Prevention Initiative. DPI is a Decatur-focused prevention agency with over 20 years’ experience working with Decatur youth and families. DPI’s vision is to promote a healthy Decatur community, free of the negative effects of alcohol and other drugs on youth and families. DPI activities are driven by the DPI coalition members, who utilize the latest local data from the Georgia Student Health Survey and evidence-based strategies. These members include committed individuals from local law enforcement, schools, recreation, juvenile justice, the housing authority, Emory School of Medicine, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, the local PTSA and other youth-serving organizations. Also included are parents and individuals who have a passion for this topic.
DPI is asking City of Decatur parents to help us better plan our efforts by completing a short, anonymous survey. This survey is for anyone living in Decatur, regardless of whether their child(ren) attends public or private schools. The information gathered will be shared at the upcoming DPI Town Hall meeting on April 28 at 7:00 pm at the Ebster Recreation Center,105 Electric Avenue.
So proud of the work you do.
Great work DPI