Monday is as good a day as any to chat about the Decatur Craft Beer Festival. The date is set (Saturday, Oct. 18th) and ticket go on sale through Ticket Alternative on Monday, Sept. 15th at noon. Be sure to put that date on your Outlook calendar because you know they will sell out fast! You can always plan to volunteer, which gets you in for free, but even those spots come with a price. The more events you have volunteered for, the better your chances are of being invited to volunteer for this awesome event. Need to get in your hours? The Decatur Book Festival is looking for some help- click here for all the details.
Do you ever wonder what we do with all the money we make from the Decatur Beer Festival? We give it away! (In the form of grants, to Decatur-based non-profit groups) You have exactly one week left to apply for a grant-just check out the website for all of that information.
And did you notice the sweet 2014 logo? It was designed by the talented Mike Jones of Columbus, Georgia and we think it will look really cool on a tasting glass!
Keep checking the Decatur Craft Beer Festival website and Facebook page for all kinds of info and updates…there is some super secret talk of adding a VIP section to the festival this year…