Wednesday, September 5, 2012
7:00-9:00 PM
Decatur City Hall
509 North McDonough Street
The Zoning Task Force has been hard at work researching and crafting new city ordinances to help implement the 2010 Strategic Plan. You are invited to learn about the proposed changes to encourage Accessory Dwellings (e.g. garage apartments or granny flats) and define appropriate transitions between residential and commercial properties in downtown Decatur. From 7:00-9:00 PM city staff, task force members and PlaceMakers, LLC will be available to present the proposed changes, facilitate discussion and collect your comments. We need your input! The City Commission will consider the proposed changes in late October, 2012.
The following 2010 Strategic Plan tasks will be up for review and comment:
- Task 3A: Adopt new transitional design standard to integrate commercial, mixed use and residential districts – In recent decades, Decatur has used buffers and height limits to transition between existing single-family neighborhoods and new developments in existing commercial and mixed-use zoning districts. These have focused on separating such areas, rather than unifying them. As an alternative, new design techniques should be explored to provide appropriate connection between new development and existing neighborhoods, such as improved architectural design, scale and massing and landscaping.
- Task 3E: Improve the predictability and efficiency of the process for new development approval by establishing development standards and requirements that are consistent with the goals of the strategic plan
- Task 15B: Adopt ordinance changes that allow smaller homes, support accessory dwellings and encourage other creative housing options that provide affordable housing in single family neighborhoods. Educate the public about their characteristics and benefits.
For more information contact Amanda Thompson, Planning Director at