The City of Decatur is excited to announce the launch of the DecaturWISE Commercial Rebate Program. This time around, businesses and organizations will have the opportunity to apply for rebates for energy efficient upgrades to buildings located within the city. Funded through an Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant administered through the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA), rebates ranging from $1,000-$4,000 will be awarded on a competitive basis. Applicants are also encouraged to seek rebates available from Georgia Power’s EarthCents program to maximize the benefits of DecaturWISE.
Why improve the energy efficiency in your buildings?
According to ENERGY STAR, commercial and industrial buildings are responsible for 45% of the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions, and almost 30% of the energy in these buildings is wasted. By expanding the DecaturWISE Program to commercial buildings, businesses and organizations can now save energy costs over time, as well as reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in their facilities and throughout the city. As an added bonus, DecaturWISE Rebates may be added to Georgia Power Business Rebates.
Who is Eligible?
Applicants must have a Georgia Power Commercial Account rate. This can be verified by comparing your Georgia Power bill to the commercial rates listed on the Georgia Power EarthCents website at:
How to Obtain a Rebate:
Step 1: Obtain an energy assessment or walk-through to determine energy savings project(s).
Step 2: Obtain a detailed cost estimate for the project.
Step 3: Contact Georgia Power to determine what rebates you are eligible for, if applicable.
Step 4: Apply for a DecaturWISE Commercial Rebate by 5:00 pm, August 31, 2011. Click HERE to download the funding announcement and application.
Step 5: Once approval is granted, register your project at
Step 6: Contractor to install energy efficient upgrades.
Step 7: All required documents must be received by the City of Decatur by 5:00 pm, December 13, 2011.
Further information and applications can be accessed via the DecaturWISE Commercial Rebate Program website.
If you have questions, please contact:
Lena Stevens
Resource Conservation Coordinator
City of Decatur