As many of you know, Billy and Kristin Allin are busy renovating three store fronts on the square for the new home of Cakes and Ale and the adjoining bakery. The property owner sent me this photo of the old bakery sign that is located in what will be the new bakery! How fun is that?
They are hoping to keep the sign and restore the plaster work around it. The ceiling in the bakery space is at least 15 feet high and even in the midst of demolition, it’s incredibly light and airy.
Keep tuned for more photos of this outstanding project in our city!
Very cool!
A quick Google search didn’t bring anything up on Mrs. Teele, so I was wondering if anyone with the City of Decatur has any resources at their disposal to see who this Mrs. Teele was? Could this have been Decatur’s first bakery?
Absolutely fascinating! Must know more about this historic business on the square.