The City of Decatur Public Works Sanitation Division is working to resolve an issue with a defective Pay-As-You-Throw bag shipment from the bag manufacturer. It appears that the problem is isolated to the green, 8-gallon bags. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. If you have received defective bags please return them to the retail store where they were purchased in order to receive replacement bags. You may also take the defective bags to the Public Works Office at 2635 Talley Street in Decatur and receive replacement bags. We are checking the bag inventory to ensure that defective bags are not delivered to the retail stores.
If you have any questions, please call David Junger, Assistant City Manager, at 404-377-5571 or email .
What about the yellow bags? We have noticed that the last couple months every yellow bag we have purchased rips really easily.
I typically have a failure rate of about 70 % with the yellow bags. they usualy tip at the seam between the bag and drawstring regardless of load weight or trashcan placed in. it’s been happening for about 8 months now. most bags it seems I have to double bag. hopefully these will be fixed as well.
rip, not tip.