I just stumbled upon this blog, Always Upward: Where Retail and Reality Meet. It’s a great read, even for those of us who aren’t in the independent retail business. And considering that there are over 150 independently owned retail businesses and restaurants in Decatur, a lot of the blog’s content can be applied to our community. In her most recent post, the author does a great job describing the emotional side of running an independent business. It helped remind me how hard our independent retailers have to work – even the ones who have been around for a while and are going strong.
Read the post and see if you don’t get a sudden sense of pride that you live/shop/work in a city with so many great indies. To keep that feeling going, check out the post I wrote on the 3/50 Project almost a year ago. Also, National Independent Retailers Week is coming up July 18-24. Spend your money locally that week and give back to the community that you love!